We believe that we all subconsciously assign meaning through language. When programs use language such as “See how much weight you can lose” or have before and after body pictures, they are limiting the changes to purely physical. Not only that, but they are assigning an unhealthy meaning to the program of needing to see physical changes in order to be successful. The LAH Lagree Accountability Program are each designed for far more than changes on the scale. We believe in implementing positive habits that will encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle. So what exactly does this mean? Of course, we are going to have a personalized workout schedule that we encourage you to keep to, but we also are going to help you take a look at your stress levels, your self care, your daily routine, your sleep, and how you nourish your body. Remember, we aren’t going to be giving specific nutrition advice but rather will be helping you stick to the food choices that work for you. Remember, life is all about balance! We want you to be able to eat that donut without guilt, we want you to be able to have a girls night without feeling bad for leaving the kids, and we want you to learn to unconditionally love yourself!
**The LAH Accountability Programs begin on Mondays. You must sign up 72 hours in advance (by Thursday at 11:59PM PST) or your Lagree accountability program will start the following Monday. After you sign up, look for an email from us asking for additional information to curate your program to your individual needs. Looking for a membership instead? Click here!
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